Featured: Rachel Ballard, of Moonflowers photography

Today's ambush is the kind I LOVE. The kind where I find (somehow) an undiscovered-to-me artist and Etsy shop that I end up really adoring! The lucky victim is Rachel Ballard of Chicago, whose beautiful Etsy photography shop Moonflowers was an instant fave.

Rachel is a self-professed camera addict, and she uses both digital and film to create the dreamy moods of everything from fabric and antique thread spools to surreal beach scenes. But my absolute faves are her Carnival series! You would not believe the color that a Polaroid film can show- even as a scanned print. And I love that the photos have the quality you would remember a picture of the carnival to have- summery, slightly faded skies but vibrant flags and stands. I can almost taste the doughboys! Here are some of my faves!

Visit Rachel's blog to learn more about her and her beautiful, unique way of seeing the world.

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