So, Hurricane Earl didn't have too much of an impact here in New England. In fact I did head out the following day to do some shopping and exploring in the East Bay part of Rhode Island. Here are some pics from my day. Nothing too fancy...I spent much of the day shopping!
So above is the pier at Colt State Park's beach...normally this goes until the last pole but as you can see it's under water. I had to run off the metal a few moments later as the water was coming through the bottom and spraying up onto my lens.
Seagull coming in for a eat my Dunkin Donuts muffin crumbs. Ok, I admit I'm one of those people who feeds seagulls. But they're cute, no? I swear this one was looking into my soul.....alright, maybe not.
This guy above used the waves to do some kite surfing.
Driving down County Road in Barrington (I think?) I came across this gazebo and duck pond, where a father
and son were fishing with a little net for goldfish. The little boy wanted a pet fish. The father told me the last one they caught in this pond lived for several years...Below you can see a small orange flash in the water...that is one of the goldfish. When I had left, they still had no luck catching any...
Above, a church sign seen somewhere along route 114.
I enjoyed my drive down this route which goes through a few coastal towns on the East Bay of Rhode Island and eventually ends in Newport. But that's a whole other day...
Beautiful images, Mary! I loved travelling along with you!
What a funny church sign! Great travel photos!
I loved your photos specifically the first one with Do not enter sign.
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